C'mon and get barefoot and take a stroll through Morgana's Herby Hippie Haven! Doesn't that lavender smell heavenly? As you stroll through her many herb gardens and then through the fields and into the forest you'll find, "How To's" on herb uses, preparations, recipes, gardening tips, magickal uses and folklore of herbs, and all other things herby!
Monday, February 17, 2014
American Adder's Tongue
Other Names: Serpent's Tongue, Dog's Tooth Violet, Yellow Snowdrop, Fawn Lily, Trout Lily, Lamb's Tongue, Rattlesnake Violet, Snake Leaf, Adder's Mouth
Parts Used: Bulbs & Leaves
Medicinally: Emetic, expectotant, emollient
Externally: The fresh leaves are used as a poultice for stimulating when it is applied to ulcers, tumors and swellings (as in swollen ankles or any other form of swelling), drawing out splinters, . The rest of the plant is emetic.
Internally: Infusions are taken internally in wineglassful doses to help in hicups & vomiting. The fresh root is used by simmering it in milk and used for hicups and vomiting. The leaves are used in tea to help with reducing fevers. And it is said that if you chew the leaves it will help prevent conception.
For the infusion: 1 teaspoon of the fresh leaves (or 2 teaspoons of the fresh root) in 1 cup boiling water. Drink daily a mouthful at a time.
For the poultice: Use crushed leaves or simmer the root in milk to the proper consistency and apply it three or four times a day to the affected area.
Magickaly: The Adder's Tongue:
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Healing
If you use Adder's Tongue for a poultice and then bury the root after use in a muddy area, it will help speed the healing.
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Hawthron Syrup: Oh soooo Good For Your Heart
Hawthorn Syrup: Better than Maple Syrup:
Hawthorn Syrup
Rouselle Rubine & Raqib Lynn
You will need:
4 cups hawthorn berries
4 cups water
4 cups honey
juice of 1/2 lemon
cinnamon to taste
Collect the berries when ripe and red (usually in October). Rinse & remove stems and seeds (like pits). In a large pot, combine berries and water. Bring to a boil, then lower heat. Simmer for about 6 hours, stirring occasionally, until the liquid is reduced to almost half the original amount. Berries will be soft and can be mashed at this point to make mixture thick and soupy.
After mashing the berries, stir well. Measure the volume of liquid; you should have approximately 1 quart.
Add the honey, and bring just to boiling. Be careful; the mixture can foam up and make a big mess. If necessary, lower heat. Turn off heat and add the lemon juice. Add cinnamon or other flavorings, about 1/2 teaspoon for each cup of syrup. Pour into mason jars; allow to cool. Add clean lids and refrigerate.
To Use: Use fresh or chilled as needed for healthy treats.
Yields about 2 quarts.
This can last up to a year (using the amounts listed above) if refrigerated and unopened, or it can be canned. Makes a great gift.
Great on cereal, pancakes, waffles, and more. Its a great comfort food and helps heavy carbohydrates be digested more easily and it nourishes the heart.
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Hawthorn Syrup
Rouselle Rubine & Raqib Lynn
You will need:
4 cups hawthorn berries
4 cups water
4 cups honey
juice of 1/2 lemon
cinnamon to taste
Collect the berries when ripe and red (usually in October). Rinse & remove stems and seeds (like pits). In a large pot, combine berries and water. Bring to a boil, then lower heat. Simmer for about 6 hours, stirring occasionally, until the liquid is reduced to almost half the original amount. Berries will be soft and can be mashed at this point to make mixture thick and soupy.
After mashing the berries, stir well. Measure the volume of liquid; you should have approximately 1 quart.
Add the honey, and bring just to boiling. Be careful; the mixture can foam up and make a big mess. If necessary, lower heat. Turn off heat and add the lemon juice. Add cinnamon or other flavorings, about 1/2 teaspoon for each cup of syrup. Pour into mason jars; allow to cool. Add clean lids and refrigerate.
To Use: Use fresh or chilled as needed for healthy treats.
Yields about 2 quarts.
This can last up to a year (using the amounts listed above) if refrigerated and unopened, or it can be canned. Makes a great gift.
Great on cereal, pancakes, waffles, and more. Its a great comfort food and helps heavy carbohydrates be digested more easily and it nourishes the heart.
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Sunday, January 26, 2014
Raspberry Leaf
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea (During Pregnancy)
Source: Old yahoo group now defunct
For use to strengthen urtine and pelvic muscles.
Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 2 teaspoons of the herb. Steep for about 10 minutes. Strain. Drink. During last trimester, drink 2-3 cups per day.
This tea will not cause contractions. It only strengthens the muscles of the pelvic area in preparation for delivery.
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Source: Old yahoo group now defunct
For use to strengthen urtine and pelvic muscles.
Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 2 teaspoons of the herb. Steep for about 10 minutes. Strain. Drink. During last trimester, drink 2-3 cups per day.
This tea will not cause contractions. It only strengthens the muscles of the pelvic area in preparation for delivery.
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Dong Quai A Woman's Friend
Healing Soup: Dong Quai Soup
By: Grace Young (The Herb Companion)
Prepare this tonic soup and drink up to 1 cup a day for three to four consecutive days after a menstrual cycle, refrigerating the tonic between uses. It is said to rejuvenate the uterus, warm the female organs, and regulate menstrual flow; it is also drunk after childbirth and to treat menopause.
Some women´s bodies may be balanced without dong quai and, for them, the herb may be overstimulating. Dong quai can also be cooked with chicken broth, which supposedly triples the tonic´s blood-building quality while improving its flavor. This tonic should be taken in moderation, as too much can be overwarming to the body and can produce the opposite effect desired, or yeet hay symptoms.
Dong quai is sold in herb stores and some Chinese supermarkets. It is sold in ivory-colored knobs with fine brown veins; each knob is about 3/4 to 1 1/2 ounces. It is also sold in fat pear-shaped paper-thin slices, about 1/2 ounce each. The price can vary according to the quality; very ordinary quality can cost about $10 per pound. If you use dried red dates, the dates must be soaked and the pits removed; black dates only need to be rinsed. Sometimes I double steam the soup in individual portions, using the Chinese tureen with double lids to "contain" the aroma, as it can be strong.
2 to 4 dong quai knobs or 6 slices, about 3 ounces
8 Chinese dried red or black dates (hoong zoe or hock zoe)
2 quarts cold water or broth
1. In a 2 1/2 quart saucepan, combine the dong quai, dates, and cold water, and bring to a boil over high heat.
2. Cover, reduce heat to medium-low, and simmer about 3 hours, or until the soup has reduced to about 4 cups. Strain.
3. Drink piping hot (no more than 1 cup per person). For the very adventuresome, the dong quai can be eaten, but be warned-it has a very powerful flavor even after three hours of cooking.
Adapted with permission from The Wisdom of the Chinese Kitchenby Grace Young (1999). Reprinted by permission of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
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By: Grace Young (The Herb Companion)
Prepare this tonic soup and drink up to 1 cup a day for three to four consecutive days after a menstrual cycle, refrigerating the tonic between uses. It is said to rejuvenate the uterus, warm the female organs, and regulate menstrual flow; it is also drunk after childbirth and to treat menopause.
Some women´s bodies may be balanced without dong quai and, for them, the herb may be overstimulating. Dong quai can also be cooked with chicken broth, which supposedly triples the tonic´s blood-building quality while improving its flavor. This tonic should be taken in moderation, as too much can be overwarming to the body and can produce the opposite effect desired, or yeet hay symptoms.
Dong quai is sold in herb stores and some Chinese supermarkets. It is sold in ivory-colored knobs with fine brown veins; each knob is about 3/4 to 1 1/2 ounces. It is also sold in fat pear-shaped paper-thin slices, about 1/2 ounce each. The price can vary according to the quality; very ordinary quality can cost about $10 per pound. If you use dried red dates, the dates must be soaked and the pits removed; black dates only need to be rinsed. Sometimes I double steam the soup in individual portions, using the Chinese tureen with double lids to "contain" the aroma, as it can be strong.
2 to 4 dong quai knobs or 6 slices, about 3 ounces
8 Chinese dried red or black dates (hoong zoe or hock zoe)
2 quarts cold water or broth
1. In a 2 1/2 quart saucepan, combine the dong quai, dates, and cold water, and bring to a boil over high heat.
2. Cover, reduce heat to medium-low, and simmer about 3 hours, or until the soup has reduced to about 4 cups. Strain.
3. Drink piping hot (no more than 1 cup per person). For the very adventuresome, the dong quai can be eaten, but be warned-it has a very powerful flavor even after three hours of cooking.
Adapted with permission from The Wisdom of the Chinese Kitchenby Grace Young (1999). Reprinted by permission of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
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Recipe: Bee Balm for Lips
Another oldie from that old now defunct yahoo group
Bee Balm for Lips
Make these natural treatments part of your everyday beauty regime.
By Jamie Cox (The Herb Companion)
Makes 1 ½ ounces
Bees provide a valuable lip balm ingredient-beeswax! This rich balm will soften and protect your lips. You can use it alone or as a base for colored lipstick.
o 2 tablespoons grated beeswax
o 1 teaspoon sunflower oil
o 1 teaspoon apricot kernel oil
o 1/8 teaspoon vitamin E oil
On a stove or in a microwave, gently heat beeswax and oils until melted; be careful to not overheat. Stir well to combine. Pour into a small, clean container, then cool completely.
Soothing Glosses and Balms
Make these natural treatments part of your everyday beauty regime.
By Jamie Cox (The Herb Companion)
Lip-care products were among the first cosmetics, dating as far back as 3500 b.c., when Mesopotamians made lip paints. Even in Puritan New England-where cosmetic use was frowned upon-women made soothing lip balm from crushed rose petals.
Lipstick, as we know it, was introduced in Paris in 1910. Beeswax was a key ingredient then and still is today, as manufacturers haven´t been able to develop a suitable substitute for it.
You don´t have to spend $15 at a cosmetic-counter for a bright, beautiful smile, however. Natural lip glosses and balms are easy to create at home. Here are a few recipes to get you started.
Natural Lip Care
Compared to the rest of our bodies, our lips are unique both for their appearance and their make-up. They have no sweat glands, few sebaceous oil glands and their only protection from the outside world is saliva-which really isn´t all that helpful.
Keep your lips looking and feeling their best with these simple tips.
o To exfoliate dry lips, apply a layer of light oil, then gently brush your lips with a warm, wet washcloth or soft toothbrush.
o Avoid licking your lips. This actually dries them out more, causing them to chap and crack.
o Condition your lips as you sleep by coating them with a layer of lip gloss or natural oil, such as coconut oil, before you go to bed.
o If you are susceptible to cold sores, look for products and recipes with peppermint or eucalyptus oil. These natural antimicrobials can help fight cold sores. Also add a few drops of these oils to your favorite lip product recipe.
o If you spend a lot of time outdoors, use sunscreen on your lips. Lips can develop skin cancer if not protected from the sun´s harmful rays.
Janice Cox is the author of Natural Beauty at Home and Natural Beauty from the Garden (Henry Holt & Company, New York).
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DISCLAIMER: The owners , moderators,members nor any other site hold and bare no responsibility for the misuse or abuse of herbs listed on this group or posts on this group. This information is not intended to replace traditional treatment of licensed doctors or care-givers.
Bee Balm for Lips
Make these natural treatments part of your everyday beauty regime.
By Jamie Cox (The Herb Companion)
Makes 1 ½ ounces
Bees provide a valuable lip balm ingredient-beeswax! This rich balm will soften and protect your lips. You can use it alone or as a base for colored lipstick.
o 2 tablespoons grated beeswax
o 1 teaspoon sunflower oil
o 1 teaspoon apricot kernel oil
o 1/8 teaspoon vitamin E oil
On a stove or in a microwave, gently heat beeswax and oils until melted; be careful to not overheat. Stir well to combine. Pour into a small, clean container, then cool completely.
Soothing Glosses and Balms
Make these natural treatments part of your everyday beauty regime.
By Jamie Cox (The Herb Companion)
Lip-care products were among the first cosmetics, dating as far back as 3500 b.c., when Mesopotamians made lip paints. Even in Puritan New England-where cosmetic use was frowned upon-women made soothing lip balm from crushed rose petals.
Lipstick, as we know it, was introduced in Paris in 1910. Beeswax was a key ingredient then and still is today, as manufacturers haven´t been able to develop a suitable substitute for it.
You don´t have to spend $15 at a cosmetic-counter for a bright, beautiful smile, however. Natural lip glosses and balms are easy to create at home. Here are a few recipes to get you started.
Natural Lip Care
Compared to the rest of our bodies, our lips are unique both for their appearance and their make-up. They have no sweat glands, few sebaceous oil glands and their only protection from the outside world is saliva-which really isn´t all that helpful.
Keep your lips looking and feeling their best with these simple tips.
o To exfoliate dry lips, apply a layer of light oil, then gently brush your lips with a warm, wet washcloth or soft toothbrush.
o Avoid licking your lips. This actually dries them out more, causing them to chap and crack.
o Condition your lips as you sleep by coating them with a layer of lip gloss or natural oil, such as coconut oil, before you go to bed.
o If you are susceptible to cold sores, look for products and recipes with peppermint or eucalyptus oil. These natural antimicrobials can help fight cold sores. Also add a few drops of these oils to your favorite lip product recipe.
o If you spend a lot of time outdoors, use sunscreen on your lips. Lips can develop skin cancer if not protected from the sun´s harmful rays.
Janice Cox is the author of Natural Beauty at Home and Natural Beauty from the Garden (Henry Holt & Company, New York).
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Pycnogenol Pine Bark Extract
Pycnogenol pine bark extract shown to protect diabetics from swelling,
circulation and vision problemsby Mike Adams, the Health Ranger,
NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) A research study conducted by G D'Annunzio University in Italy evaluated the benefits of a popular form of pine bark extract in helping diabetics. Published in the Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, findings revealed that people with diabetes can avoid developing retinopathy and maintain proper micro-circulation by supplementing with pine bark.
A total of 46 diabetic patients were involved in the randomized, controlled study. Twenty-four of them were treated with pine bark extract once a day for three months while the remaining 22 were given a placebo. All the patients had diabetes for at least four years and all were beginning to develop retinopathy. Seventy-five percent of patients in the pine bark group experienced improvement in their vision while none in the placebo group did.
Dr. Robert Steigerwalt, one of the lead researchers of the study, confirmed that not only does pine bark extract halt the progression of diabetic retinopathy, it can cause it to regress by sealing the leaky blood vessels in the eye that lead to the disease. Such results were witnessed in as little as two months. He also noted that diabetics in the early stages of the disease can prevent such complications from ever occurring by supplementing with pine bark extract.
Pycnogenol, the branded formula of the antioxidant plant extract derived from the French maritime pine tree, has proven itself time and time again to be a powerful protective nutrient, particularly for diabetics. When administered during the early stages of diabetes, many studies have shown that pine bark is effective at preventing and treating the diabetic retinal diseases.
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DISCLAIMER: The owners , moderators,members nor any other site hold and bare no responsibility for the misuse or abuse of herbs listed on this group or posts on this group. This information is not intended to replace traditional treatment of licensed doctors or care-givers.
(NaturalNews) A research study conducted by G D'Annunzio University in Italy evaluated the benefits of a popular form of pine bark extract in helping diabetics. Published in the Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, findings revealed that people with diabetes can avoid developing retinopathy and maintain proper micro-circulation by supplementing with pine bark.
A total of 46 diabetic patients were involved in the randomized, controlled study. Twenty-four of them were treated with pine bark extract once a day for three months while the remaining 22 were given a placebo. All the patients had diabetes for at least four years and all were beginning to develop retinopathy. Seventy-five percent of patients in the pine bark group experienced improvement in their vision while none in the placebo group did.
Dr. Robert Steigerwalt, one of the lead researchers of the study, confirmed that not only does pine bark extract halt the progression of diabetic retinopathy, it can cause it to regress by sealing the leaky blood vessels in the eye that lead to the disease. Such results were witnessed in as little as two months. He also noted that diabetics in the early stages of the disease can prevent such complications from ever occurring by supplementing with pine bark extract.
Pycnogenol, the branded formula of the antioxidant plant extract derived from the French maritime pine tree, has proven itself time and time again to be a powerful protective nutrient, particularly for diabetics. When administered during the early stages of diabetes, many studies have shown that pine bark is effective at preventing and treating the diabetic retinal diseases.
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Got Gout?
Got Gout: Try These Natural Therapies
by Deanna Dean, citizen journalist
(NaturalNews) Gout is one of over one hundred forms of arthritis. Fortunately it is highly treatable. In recent years natural remedies for gout have become very popular. The primarily reason for this is that most gout medications have severe side effects, or are not safe long term. Natural remedies are safe to take and have no side effects. As an added benefit, most natural treatments contain ingredients that will help improve the bodies overall health. For these reasons, many medical professionals believe that natural remedies for gout are your best alternative.
Gout occurs when levels of uric acid are abnormally elevated causing severe attacks of pain, swelling, redness, and inflammation. Needle shaped uric acid crystals stab their way into joints rendering lightning bolts of pain. Over time, these episodic attacks can eventually lead to joint damage.
Obesity and an improper diet increase the risk of developing gout. It has been called the rich man`s disease because of its association with overindulgence of rich food and alcohol. But in fact it affects people of all ages, from all walks of life. It may be inherited or brought on by crash dieting, certain medications, overeating, stress, surgery or injury to a joint.
The best way to get a diagnosis of gout is for a physician to insert a needle into the affected joint, remove some fluid and examine it for uric acid crystals.
It is recommended that when an attack occurs, eat only raw fruits and vegetables for two weeks. Good idea to eat more of those anyway. Drink fresh or frozen juices such as cherry juice and celery juice diluted with distilled, not tap, water. Eat lots of cherries. A cup a day is said to stave off painful episodes. Strawberries and blueberries will neutralize uric acid. Other safe foods during an episode are rice, millet, starchy vegetables, green vegetables, corn, seeds and grains.
Foods to avoid and discourage another gout flare-up are: meat of any kind, sardines, scallops, shellfish, mushrooms, mussels, peanuts, mackerel, asparagus, alcohol beverages, and diet soda. Limit your intake of caffeine, cauliflower, dried beans and lentils, oatmeal, peas, spinach and yeast products.
Helpful herbs are: bilberry extract, turmeric, celery seed, chamomile, lady`s mantle (yarrow), peppermint or skullcap. Prescription for Nutritional Healing recommends 2,000 to 3,000 milligrams daily of alfalfa, a good source of minerals that reduces uric acid. Devil`s claw and yucca can aid in relieving pain. Other herbs to try are birch, burdock, colchicum tincture, hyssop and juniper.
Vitamin B12, vitamin E, folate, and the B family of vitamins are a part of nutritional home remedies for gout treatment along with regular exercise that improves circulation such as stretching, dancing, yoga, Tai Chi, and aerobics.
Drink as much water as you can to flush uric acid from the system.
Apply an activated charcoal poultice to draw out toxins. Combine 1/2 cup powdered charcoal with 1/4 cup ground flaxseed. Mix in warm water until it becomes a thick paste, apply to the joint, and then wrap securely. Caution, this will stain clothing.
Soak the affected joint for thirty to sixty minutes in a mix of hot water and activated charcoal.
Avoid taking high doses of niacin (over 50 milligrams daily.) Large doses of niacin can cause a build up of uric acid, triggering gout.
Your healthmate,
Deanna Dean
http://ezinearticles.com/?Natural-C...Cures for Gout
Rachel Mork
Prescription for Nutritional Healing, fourth edition, Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
Your healthmate,
Deanna Dean
About the authorDeanna Dean is the Wellness Director for Your Health Coach, a company dedicated to health and wellness education.
website: yourhealthcoachdee.com
Dee is a Wellness & Weight Loss Coach, a Certified Natural Health Professional, is pursuing an ND degree-Naturopathic Doctor, is a certified Raw Chef, certified in Dietary Guidelines from the Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research, former Personal Trainer, Yoga and Fitness Studio Owner, TV and Radio Guest, Health Columnist.
Deanna develops customized programs to enhance the health of her clients, educates, and coaches dieters for safe weight loss.
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DISCLAIMER: The owners , moderators,members nor any other site hold and bare no responsibility for the misuse or abuse of herbs listed on this group or posts on this group. This information is not intended to replace traditional treatment of licensed doctors or care-givers.
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