Abscess Treatment:
From that old yahoo group:
First of all, what is an
abscess? Well, it it an open spot on anywhere on the body's surface.
There are many different causes for abscesses, but I won't go into those
here. What I will tell you about is how to treat most abscesses.
The Recipe:
Make a poultice of the following:
3 parts slippery elm bark
one part lobelia.
You can make a poultice of hops, or hot onions, or even hot pumpkin or tomatoes. These are all effective.
the abscess has burst, cover it with a poultice of a fomentation of
comfrey leaves (or the powdered root), which will promote quick healing.
********My Note*********
would work for treatment of an abscess in a goat as well. And now I am
going to draw a line in the sand here so to speak about CL in goats:
CL exists and is still prevalent in goats despite the hard work to educate others, especially newbies, about CL. Many years ago back in the day when the internet was shiny and new myself and a few others worked tirelessly to help others new to goats. We set up forums and chats for discussions and to educate others especially about CAE and CL. Sadly, all these years later it is still as prevalent as it was back then. I
need to stop or I will find myself on my soapbox lecturing and I don't
want to do that right now. So I am jumping off and putting it away.
Having said and done that I want to say that if you should have a goat
with a CL: abscess this may be helpful in alleviating the swelling and promoting healing, however, it is not a cure for there is no cure for CL!
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